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Guatemala Celebrate World Tourism Day 2009

The Celebration of World Tourism Day was held in Guatemala on Friday 25 September, at the Hotel Camino Real more than 250 people gathered at this event where major exhibitors participated Álvaro Arzú as Mayor of the City of Guatemala, Lic . Castañeda Diego General Manager of Hotel Casa Santo Domingo. In Guatemala, the celebration is organized by AGEXPORT-COMITURS and Youth Entrepreneurs. with the participation of authorities and students majoring in Tourism and Hospitality Rafael Landivar Universities, University of the Isthmus and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

It was attended by the Director of Inguat Roberto Robles who sent a message to participants in accentuating the main theme of the celebration which this year celebrates 30 years.

The Lic Ricardo Sagastume, conducted extensive motivational speeches exhorting those present to have a positive attitude and enterprising as well as adding "the perspective of the role of globalization in balancing the influence of tourism and environmental and cultural sustainability, the theme this year also aims to shed light on the human face of the sector: its capacity to enhance understanding, promote social inclusion and promote improved standards of living. "

• The acting Secretary General of UNWTO, Taleb Rifai, highlights the potential of tourism as a sector can be trusted as a generator of jobs and wealth. "We are increasingly aware of the role of tourism as an industry and its undeniable potential to create jobs, provide revenue to the States and generate benefits of different types either directly or through induced effects in the economy. Tourism is a global industry and as such, is responsible for their positive contributions to reaching the whole world. "

Employers participated in this celebration of the national tourism public and private as well as members of the diplomatic corps, politicians, and colleges that are related to the topic.

It is expected this year to spearhead the implementation of an annual event that involves increasingly more young people who, at the hands of experts, should take every beauty of the country.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) celebrated World Tourism Day each year on September 27. Its purpose is to promote awareness among the international community about the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic. The event aims to help meet global challenges outlined in the Millennium Development Goals and to influence the contribution that tourism can make to achieve these objectives. This year the seat is in Ghana.

( By: CorpoEventos , 26/09/2009 )

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