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Photographs and Results link Media Maraton Coban 2009
To see the pictures representing the 2009 Coban Half Marathon held last Sunday June 28 this year. visit this link:

More information:
Sports & Marketing 
Jorge Lopez
Tel.  (502) 2385-8581

Prensa Libre:  June 29 2009: Coban. The population responded Cobanera again when applaud, shout, encourage and cater to the four thousand athletes who traveled 21 kilometers from the traditional department.
Villagers found the show that gave the Africans with their long strides, while the nationals were trying to fight for victory.
The nature of Cobán accompanied the athletes, who formed a long human snake through the streets in the fight to stay within the group pointer.
People with signs, cohetillos, the pan lids, marimba, drums and cymbals were observed along the route.
For the second consecutive year, output was at the beginning of Minerva Street, similarly, is the goal at the stadium Verapaz, which decongests attention paid to athletes at the end of the sporting tradition.
On this occasion, the terraces and hills surrounding the track Verapaz was empty, compared to 2008, but this was because he could influence the change in timing of the race.
Something encouraging for the runners was the appearance of Vice President Rafael Espada, who shared some and gave prizes to the winners.
At the end of the test, the strength of competitors received a commemorative medal and food which proves that he has participated in the competition in 2009.

For more information  Sport Show Coban 2010.
Contact Person:
Adela Cajbon
Tel: (502) 2367-5055 and 56
( By: CorpoEventos , 01/07/2009 )

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