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Food Show Guatemala 09

Food Trade Show Guatemala 2009, the fair will be food and
beverages largest  in CentralAmerica

From 23 to August 29, 2009 at the Exhibition Centre Grand Tikal Futura Hotel in Guatemala City. The fair will be scheduled most important and largest Americas Center on Bussines of Gastronomy and culinary arts.

The last edition of Food Trade Show 2008 broke all records asitencia participation and getting more than 10,000 visitors in three days of exhibition, Congress Restaurants and Food Festival.


 Food Trade Show,  Guatemala, fair food and drinks most important Central America,  place 8 to 10 September at the Exhibition Centre Grand Tikal Futura Hotel in Guatemala City.  According to the forecasts of the organization surpass the 10,000 visitors and hundreds of exhibiting companies that diron known around 5,000 products.The invitation was presented as an excellent meeting point between professionals and with the presence of U.S. Pavilion offering exposure.  In addition, activity exhibition was complemented by a renewed agenda and interesting activities for professionals.




10.000 profesionales de Food Guatemala 2008 revalidated their status as business platform bringing together more than 10,000 professionals  Industry. Food and Beverage. The next edition 2009 Food Trade Show will be attended by major companies exhibiting and with the inauguration of new activities aimed at the food industry and the restaurant sector: the program is 23 to August 29, 2009. 
The Congress of Central American Dining with the support of Inca. y and the second edition of the Golden Fork Award. 

Salvador Contreras, president of Guatemala Food Fair "indicates that in 2009 will seek to consolidate the Food Fair of Guatemala as a trading platform reference foodservice business, for the countries of Central Americans.

 New activities and programmes in Guatemala Food 2009 
Food Guatemala in 2009 was professional training and a series of parallel events that undoubtedly show innovations and trends in the industry and generate value to the food industry. 
Central American Restaurants, the Award
Distinguished Characters la Gastronomía Guatemalteca Gastronomy Guatemalteca Lectures and contests commercial centers table floral arrangements, decorating cakes and cocktails, Competition Junior chef and culinary presentations.

The Thirteenth edición de Alimentaria 2009 edition of Food meet once again to all aspects of the industry national and international food and drink: dairy, fruits, vegetables, alcoholic drinks, sweets, meat and derivatives, pastry, bakery, fish, canned, frozen… Also, Food 2009 will welcome the participation of the guest country.

 As a final part in this edition 2009, on Thursday, August 29 from 7:30 to take place on nights    Fourteenth Festival Gastronomic with a presentation of more than 550 dishes in different categories with the aim of breaking the record Guinness be in the buffet world's largest. Curently holds the Chef George Bargis Hilton hotel in Las Vegas.  Among the 510 dishes had 40 soups, salads and 150 hundred desserts.

 Food trade Show  a Event organized by the following institutions: Chamber of Industry, Trade Union Restaurant, Guatemalan Tourism Institute (INGUAT) Institute for Training and Productivity (INTECAP) National Association of Coffee (Anacafé) Rotary Club Guatemala east.  Rafael Landivar University (URL) and hosts events Corpoeventos.  Visit:  


Adela Cajbon  
Guatemala City
Tel: (502) 2367-5053, 55 and 56
Cel. (502) 5207-2416

 Arely Vasquez
Congress Central American Restaurants
Tel: (502) 2367-5053, 55 and 56 
Cel. (502) 5183-6687

   Winners Golden Fork Award 2008 

Totals Chef winners by Category Food Festival 2008

( By: CorpóEventos , 09/10/2008 )

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