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XXV Sporting Event of the Jesuit University System
Dear students, Rafael Landivar University, as a Jesuit educational institution, has its skyline integral university education. Search for academic excellence means to implement the various attributes that make it possible, such as study time, the educational landscape, the style of teaching, promoting habits related discipline, upgrading, research and sport, among others.

The comprehensive training involves, then, multiple dimensions. Meeting with the XXV Sports Jesuit University System, we will be making the integration of the person's own body and the integration of cultures, and that sport unites by the spirit and sister with participation.

All are welcome in our House of Studies, healthy seize the opportunity provided by this championship and prone make sport a lifetime. This will be achieving the ultimate goal of education that we seek to give.

Lic. Guillermina Herrera Peña
Rector / President
Local Organizing Committee, URL

( By: Portal Universidad Rafael Landivar , 29/09/2008 )

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