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PresentsTourist Agenda, Guatemala 2009

With the implementation of actions aimed at developing tourism nationally, along with the company INGUAT Maps Guatemala shall make available to all Guatemalans Tourist Agenda 2009 which includes general information on the various natural and cultural attractions offered by our country.

In order to promote awareness and tourism culture in the population of Guatemala, the Guatemalan Tourism Institute (INGUAT) and the Company Maps of Guatemala presented at a press conference Tourism Agenda 2009, where he will promote domestic tourism as a tool in which may be planning work and recreation.

Within the contents of the guide, readers will find information such as maps of various regions and tourist destination, dress, customs, cuisine; patron festivals, as well as general information from around the country.

It should be noted that for better coverage to the public, maps of Guatemala has prepared three different categories,

Aimed at students of colleges, institutes and universities, especially those who study the career of tourism, which is the tool to carry out their academic activities in a professional manner.

Aimed at entrepreneurs and executives who need to plan their work and also want to plan their holidays to benefit the most, by developing its own tourist circuit.

Aimed at companies that want to sell their products and services  Agenda 2009 is the tourist printing 10,000 calendars aimed at young adults and Guatemalans of heart, that celebrate and wish to Guatemala and discover know better.

Printed a full-size color ½ craft materials on bond and 80 grams couché B-80, bound with spiral pasta and hard plastic with the following contents:

Cover, elegantly designed.
Film of the owner's personal data.
Calendars for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010
Vacation planners, who help you organize your circuits, and remember everything they should prepare for your trip.
Table of year festivities throughout the Republic.
Map of the Republic of Guatemala with its roads and distances.
Dividers to inform him about different destinations and events during the year 2009.
Spaces to inform the Guatemalan cuisine with recipes and places where you can enjoy them.
Personalization in cases that businesses and colleges that so desire (logo on pasta, 4 full color pages with information and pictures).

Source: Digital Newspaper Central American and Caribbean (PDCC).

( By: Periódico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe, , 29/09/2008 )

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