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Competitiveness, driver of Guatemalan cuisine as a tourist attraction.

Richness and variety in taste. 

Guatemala has a diverse topography that provides a variety of landscapes and climates. This has marked every region of the country with food that have given rise to unique dishes and rich flavor. The home cook Guatemalan therefore culinary traditions of various peoples and cultures that correspond to different geographical regions: northern, central, south, east and west.

Drawing on this wealth of variety in taste, color and forms of preparation, in recent years through Food Fair, the largest foodservice event in Central America, has boosted the wealth of gastronomy as a tourist attraction in the country. This event has highlighted other aspects of the culinary culture as Guatemalan mysticism characteristic of the Indian meal that can be seen in tamales, tortillas and atoles maize, as well as the transculturation of the indigenous cuisine and mixing it with the Spanish cuisine, in this gray-haired, cold meats, cod, stews, the Torrijos, the fritters and cold water as the horchata, among others. 

In this vein, within the Food Fair highlights is the Food Festival. This is an event that rewards competitiveness and quality of the gourmet chef, providing the framework conducive to highlight and demonstrate their abilities and skills strengthening and spreading innovation of the Guatemalan cuisine. This year it is expected the participation of over 125 chefs competing with about 450 dishes that make up the buffet-longest in Central America in all categories of sweet and salty food.

Currently, according to statistics from the Chamber of Industry, 33% of tourist spending is on food, therefore, the tourism sector in 2007 contributed to the cost of food and drinks at the national level in more than 380 million dollars . From this perspective Food Fair and Food Festival became the ideal stage to promote a new aspect of tourism in the country: our cuisine. 

"Fair Food aid to the enhancement of regional cuisine especially encouraging in the Food Festival special prizes to the typical dishes that participate. However, we are aware that the effort must also be made in the search for the professionalization of the chef and improving the quality of services offered to tourists. "Explains Salvador Contreras, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Fair Food.  

Toward Innovation and competitiveness of the sector  Currently, the food industry generates 400 thousand direct and indirect jobs and has shown a growth of 20% in recent years. These are indicators of a  Strong demand for skilled labor. According to Dr. Hector Raul Herrarte, Director of Training Chefs INTECAP, all graduates are graduating with offers of work since they are constantly receiving applications from companies to be able to attract future graduates.

"Our school is a leader of Chefs and training model to the Central American region, some of our graduates working in Europe and cruises around the world. Most are part of the various hotels and restaurants across the country as is the case of Gustavo Chacon, executive chef of Westing Camino Real, or chef Mario Campollo Hotel Casa Santo Domingo, and it is the most award-winning chef in the history of Guatemala. They took their first courses in INTECAP, to name a few instances where Guatemalans positions that previously only offered to foreigners. " 

According to the President of the Organizing Committee for Fair Food, today's consumer is much more demanding and has forced the entire industry to make a full rotation in its operations to survive in a highly competitive market. Despite the franchise restaurants are operating manuals, it is almost a constant finding the square of Executive Chef. A new position that allows you to adjust the flavors to local applications and monitoring the quality of the raw materials that are selected. In addition, she now has a department of Quality Control of Product and Process Engineers in charge of food, this has allowed many tech areas in restaurants. Similarly, the development of suppliers is commonplace. Suppliers have been developed such as Chile Pepper and Tomato Greenhouse. This process ensures the supply of vegetables all year round with a best time of life and organoleptic characteristics of products.  

In this context and with a felt need for more and more with professionals whose work leads to growth and development of the industry, in partnership with INCAE, within the XII edition of Food Fair, will develop restaurants with Congress VI the theme "Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation for the success of his restaurant." The Congress will allow participants to understand the processes and variables of the civil service companies, offering the most effective and successful in the industry. Among the topics to be discussed are: Management of operations competitive in a restaurant, human resources as a strategic tool for success and strategies to innovate and develop new products in the restaurant.  

The Fair Food creates a platform where they exhibited the best products, services, equipment and improvements that have different specialized companies in the area of food, plus this year will provide the United States as guest country. Among the advantages of participation is the sale and promotion of food products, equipment and services to industry; contact with customers, updating of techniques and services. Moreover, conducted national and international culinary presentations. "He concluded Salvador Contreras, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Fair Food. 

Guatemala Food Fair is an event organized by the following institutions: Chamber of Industry, Business Restaurant, Guatemalan Institute of Tourism (INGUAT) Institute of Training and Productivity (INTECAP) National Coffee Association (ANACAFE) Rotary Club Guatemala East. Rafael Landivar University (URL) and hosts events Corpoeventos.

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( By: Revista Data Export , 28/09/2008 )

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