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Games Inter System Jesuit Universities Guatemala 2008

The Games of the Inter-Jesuit Universities System (INTERSUJ)
is the most eagerly awaited event for the university system. XXV in its edition to be held from 27 to Oct. 31, corresponding to the Universidad Rafael Landivar be the venue hosting the event. 

At the time it was announced that the event would take place on the premises of the university, it was decided to perform at the PLAZA OF SPORT. The direction of sports CorpoEventos appointed as the company corrdinadora of this area of the sports festival.
Location and image to promote a potential group of future professionals and executives, buyers of their products.
Spaces for restaurants in place of the sport.
Space for the sale of sporting goods, handicrafts and other souvenirs.
This committee has been working with dedication to make the event as a sports festival.

Our vision-like headquarters of INTERSUJ, is that the athletes at each university to participate in different sports branches, with the goal of living together and integrate as individuals.

During the celebration of this activity will be an area for exhibit and sell products and services to students of the University Landivar as domestic and foreign athletes who visit Guatemala during that time. 
1121 athletes participating in 10 sports. 
300 volunteers members of the student community in the URL. 
125 members of the working committees of the Local Organizing Committee. 
12,000 Members of the community's active URL (students, staff, teachers, etc.).

More information:
Miriam of Sthepenson
Plaza Sports INTERSUJ
Tel: (502) 2367-5053, 55 and 56
Cel. (502) 5482-8502
( By: CorpoEventos , 27/10/2008 )

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