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Tourism Agenda 2009 Guatemala

Tourist Agenda 2009
Times are changing and growing activities should be scheduled with time that is the primary objective of this activity. The Tourism Event Calendar 2009 to allow the users of this valuable planning tool not be lost in one day the most important activities that happen during the year.

It is intended that in one day events at the national level, Exhibitions and Fairs, and destinations submit their scheduled activities:

Will take three seminars opened:

     n   National Events

     n   No events scheduled

     n   Tourism and its services will be conducted annually.

The event will be attended by more than 30 companies interested in promoting their offerings,

The official launch of the calendar is scheduled for Sept. 25, 2008 where they will present the charity that will get everyone who becomes a tourist calendar 2009.

It is considered a new and alternative product that fills a gap in the planning and promotion of major events for Guatemala.

PLAN tourist activities in one place and at the same event. Events will constitute the expected annual tourism event. 

Event Organizers

   n Hotels

   n Tourism Operators 

   n College degrees in tourism and hotel 

   n Airlines.

   n Ong's tourism

   n No Government Offices 

   n Tourist agenda is an event organized by Camolde / maps of Guatemala and CorpoEventos organizer of events. 

Antonio Cabrera
1st. Ave. "A" 1-70 Zona 1
Tel: 2232-1850

Adela Cajbón
Tel. (502) 2367-5053 55 and 56
Cel. (502) 5207-2416

( By: CorpoEventos , 22/01/2009 )

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