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VII Central American Congress of Guatemala Restaurants 2009
Conference program topics of immediate application and present, allowing you to develop skills and talents in her handling of key productivity in the business of Restaurants and Food and Beverage, within which is preparing a program of lectures on topics of immediate application and Current, which will allow it to develop talents and abilities in her handling of key productivity in the business of A & B, becoming its highly profitable business and growth in the future.
Congress, which is aimed at managers, administrators, prospective investors in this business, as well as responsible for the different functional areas of restaurants.

Different conferences will be dictated by International Experts, who belong to prestigious houses of study.
More information:
Arely Vasquez
CENTRAL Congress Restaurant
Tel. (502) 2367-5053, 55 and 56
Fax: (502) 2367-5053
Cel. (502) 5183-6687

( By: CorpoEventos , 24/08/2009 )


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