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Alimentaria Guatemala Opening Ceremony .

With the presence of more than 500 people was inaugurated today the twelfth edition of the Fair food at the hotel Grand Tikal Futura during these three days will take place this great event where the U.S. is the country invited. At the inauguration ceremony was presided over by the U.S. Embassy and the Acting Director Arch. Guillermo Novielli who in their speeches emphasized the importance of conducting this event that supports the country's cuisine and that is more representative sample of culinary activity in Guatemala.
Guatemala Alimentaria event support :  Industrial Chamber of Guatemala,  Restaurant Asocciation, Guatemala Tourist Commission (INGUAT), Training and Productiviti Institute (INTECAP) Coffe National Association  (ANACAFE) East Guatemalan Rotary Club. Rafael Landivar University (URL), and the Professional Congress Organizer:  CorpoEventos. Visit:  

Contact: more Information
Guatemala, Ciudad
Tel: (502) 2367-5053, 55 y 56

Cel. (502) 5207-2416

( By: , 09/09/2008 )

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