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Socialization with land owners:

In the year 2007, the socialization process began with each and every one of the owners of lands which presently constitute the land belt of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala.  They were informed about  the intended business model, the benefits and consequences of its implementation; all of this carried out in an atmosphere of trust and absolute openness with the information.

Sworn Statement of Intent to Sell:

Derived from the previous activities, as of today, a total of 3,530 land owners have undersigned  Sworn Statements of Intent to Sell in which the price to be paid was established.  This agreement was endorsed with a signature of the COCODE and Municipal Mayor of each locality.

Features, Topography, and Map:

With the route map established, the process of characterizing the features of the land belt began.  To that effect, technical service contracts were undersigned with topographers of each of the localities who were responsible for developing the entire route topography, as well as drawing up all the maps of land dismemberment for each fraction of land identified with a Sworn Statement of Intent to Sell.  Finally, unification maps have been drawn up for each of the 6 departments through which the Corridor will traverse.  As of today, 100% of the topography has been carried out, as well as all dismemberment and unification map plans.

Verification and Legal Documentation:

Once the technical phase was concluded, a team of 24 notaries from each of the departments of the Corridor,  who are part of the Legal Logistic Center, began the task of gathering all the legal documentation needed to sign the corresponding sales contracts.
On April 26, 2012, VERIFICATION of all documentation of land owners was carried out. This event was attended by 90% of all the owners.  The event was also attended by representatives of BANRURAL Bank, the entity which opened accounts for all owners, thus consolidating a defined payment mechanism to provide security and to mitigate eventual risks on the day the land is paid.

Later, a regional office was established in which to concentrate and digitalize all the previously indicated legal documentation.

The final result of this goal is the conclusion of the “Payments List” which will be the basis for the moment when payment is made to all owners.

Therefore, all 3,530 land owners shall receive the agreed market value for their lands as well as 5% of shareholding stock of the earnings from the Corridor.  Thus, we have created a source of sustainable development for each land owner.


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