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The project has been associated with the 46 municipal districts of the geographic region of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala.  These municipal districts have grouped themselves into 9 municipal association (powerful and innovative structures provided by Guatemalan legislation).  This document incorporates the commitment on behalf of all the municipal districts to participate and support implementation of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala  as an integral factor of development for their communities.

The Local Public-Private Alliance was signed on August 4, 2009, in Estanzuela Municipal District, department of Zacapa, and was undersigned by 9 Municipal Associations which currently make up the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, by the Asociación “Poder para Todos” (Power for All), and by the entity ODEPAL INTERNACIONAL.  The Alliance was constituted by means of public deed number 8, certified by Notary Luis López Marroquín.


                      The Local Public-Private Alliance has the following strategic vision:
  1. To be a means for development that will guarantee quality of life for the region’s population.
  2. To be a means for Sustainable Development;
  3. To be a means for Defensible Development;
  4. To be a means for Development of territorial, associated, and autonomous public institutionality;
  5. To encourage participative democracy;
  6. To develop the privileged geographic position of our territory.

Fundamental Pillars

                    The Local Public-Private Alliance recognizes as fundamental pillars the following:

  1. To be a means of Development;
  2. To be a means of Central American Integration;
  3. To promote a change in corporate culture.

Social and Political Platform

The Local Public-Private Alliance currently incorporates the 46 municipal districts which represent 224 communities in the departments of Jutiapa, Santa Rosa, Jalapa, Zacapa, Chiquimula, and Izabal.  Soon, 14 more municipal districts from Santa Rosa will join.  This municipal association is the living expression of Guatemala’s legally represented and organized population, given that the sum total of the communities is represented, from their respective COCODES (Community Development Councils) up to their MUNICIPAL COUNCILS, all of which have unanimously accepted association in MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATIONS, in order to better represent the population’s interests.

This municipal association represents an important expression of Municipal Autonomy, recognized in Article 254 of the Constitution, given that it allows them to develop and carry out powers granted by the Municipal Code and other applicable laws.

The convergence of “national goals” aimed at promoting Guatemala’s integral development resulted in participation of the 3,530 owners (grouped together in Guatemalan commercial companies, holders of 5% of the earnings); the 46 Municipal Districts (grouped together into 9 Municipal Associations, holders of 12% of the earnings), and a group of emerging entrepreneurs, the majority Guatemalans, has allowed development of an ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT MODEL which will permit future generations to witness a Guatemala in development with clear national goals leading in the same direction.

Partner Municipal Associations

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