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Political – Social Structure:

Declaration of the local public-private alliance in which promoters and 46 municipal districts, grouped into nine municipal associations, participate.
The municipal declaration of public interest in the project, through municipal accords, issued unanimously by the municipal corporations which the Corridor traverses.
The social pact established between project promoters and the Municipal Associations through which they are made partners of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, thus regulating where future earnings will go.
The Municipal association has been accomplished by means of stockholding participation; that is, they have been made partners and have received shares.

Social Structure:

1.5 million people affected directly by the Corridor.
3,530 land owners in agreement;
1,600 COCODES / 400 directly in the area;
224 communities.
46 municipal districts;
9 municipal associations.

Corridor Infrastructure:


Two new World- Class Ports;
Five Oil Pipelines for Hydrocarbons transfers;
Two last generation Railroads;
Industrial Zones along the Corridor.
One Highway for public use.

The Corridor features:

67 sections of cut / fill representing 70%.
33 Tunnels representing 20%
21 viaducts representing 10%.

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