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Newsletter Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, Declaration of Public Use and National Interest

Past July 17, the Government of the Republic of Guatemala made a public declaration through Governmental Agreement 270-2013, which declares the project of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala; of “Public Benefit and National Interest”, and more specifically, its operation, promotion, construction and operation. In the Third Article, it expresses the protection by the state through the issue of laws, regulations and other decisions that guarantee the legal certainty of the Project.


The Fourth Article of the Governmental Agreement establishes that in order to guarantee the protection of national and international investments for the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, without prejudice to the protection that the law grants for Foreign Investment and Protection for Investments Agreements subscribed and ratified by the State.


The Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, is an ambitious and innovative project for development and infrastructure that will take place in the Central American country; which is characterized as the promoter for the creation of the holistic development belt (green economy) in the area through building and implementing ports, transportation, logistics and services for inter-modal infrastructure; optimizing the position of Guatemala on both oceans, and its own resources, through the connection of a railway system and the transportation of hydrocarbons, between both ports (one located on the Atlantic Coast and the other on the Pacific Coast) in a 372-kilometer-long belt.


The project, managed privately, stands out especially because of its benefits, due to its exceptional geo-strategic location contributing to world trade since it facilitates trade exchange between regions, increasing the competitiveness in transportation by offering an alternate high-capacity route that facilitates the maneuvering of last-generation, large ships, and in that way, favoring the creation of scale economies.


Its operational, geo-strategic and economic advantages make the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala highly attractive for investors that are interested in adopting new ways and routes for distribution, to help their products reach markets, reducing costs and times (regarding the current trade routes); simultaneously maximizing the economic benefits.


The Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala has the support of the communities that reside in the area of influence of the project, of Guatemalan business persons, internationally renowned investors, and, of course, with the support of the State that guarantees the protection of private property and promotes foreign investment. 

For more information, on the project, its scopes and the business model, visit our website at:

( By: Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala. , 18/09/2013 )

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