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Activities of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala during the month of April 2013

(Liaison and Business Office for Latin America)
NEWSLETTER Nº1, May Edition, 2013

Since 1999, ODEPAL Group has focused on the structuring, promotion and development of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala Project. The strategic vision is fundamental to taking advantage of the geographical position of Guatemala, to develop infrastructure for transportation and services, as a means to shorten the time and reduce the costs in goods exchange and allow added value service rendering from its territory to other regions of the world.
Modern corporate management includes, among many challenges, the demand for a constant increase in competitiveness, decisive elements to reach the standards that demand a new dynamic for markets “management with a strategic focus on corporate logistics can make a difference”.
Board of Directors


In the first edition of the informative newsletter of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, ODEPAL group, company managing the project, recognizes the support offered by all the entities involved in the project and ensuring its progress; which final purpose is to contribute to the development of Guatemala and specifically to the Northeastern region in the country, through strengthening corporate management with social and environmental responsibility.

The main objective of this, and the following newsletters, is to establish a means of communication and official information on the development phases of theCorredor Interoceánico de Guatemala Project, as well as how to socialize the activities of interest, as well as coming events. 


Propietarios en la presentaciķn del proyecto, Zacapa 2012

In this first newsletter, it is necessary to thank the 3,533 landholders of the portions of land in the departments of: Santa Rosa, Jutiapa, Jalapa, Chiquimula, Zacapa and Izabal; for the efforts made in organizing and completion of their paperwork, because with this action, they have allowed us to make progress in the legal structuring of the files for each property, which at the same time will allow satisfactorily concluding the  verification phase and the systematic organization of all the legal documentation of properties, prior to paying for the land. At the same time, we want to congratulate the community leaders and municipal entities for the efforts they have made in promoting development in their communities, as well as to the region. 




Past April 05, was the presentation of the Alternative Model for Development of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala to representatives of the United States Embassy in Guatemala. The invited diplomats were the Minister Counselor for Guatemala, Mister Bruce Williamson, and the Officer of Economic Affairs for Guatemala, Mister Shane Hough; as well as the participation of special guests, the Minister of Agriculture, Elmer López, and Minister of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing, Alejandro Sinibaldi. In addition, as a part of the list of special guests who were present, was the Governor of the department of Zacapa, the presidents of the Nine Municipal Associations that group 46 municipalities that make up the influence area of the Corridor, the Mayors of the partner municipalities of the project, Community Leaders, representatives of the COCODES, representatives of the Private Sector and members of the 224 communities that represent the population in the area. The presentation was emotional, as a result of the testimony offered by community leaders associated to the project, where an air of enthusiasm and cordialness prevailed, in order to benefit the implementation in the near future of the Corridor. It is worth highlighting that at this activity the commitment of the mayors to promote the United Nation Millennium Development Goals (MDG) was ratified, which is contained in the Social Agreement, where this legal instrument, through clear and precise guidelines were agreed among the nine Municipal Associations of the municipalities, the Association Poder para Todos and ODEPAL group; in order to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal elementary education; promote equality between genders and the autonomy of women; reduce infant mortality; fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and other indicators; guarantee environmental sustainability and promote a world association for development.




President of the Republic Otto Pérez Molina, on April 24 of this year, visited the Data Processing Center of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala located in the municipality of Río Hondo, Zacapa. During his visit, the President supervised the project’s progress due to its importance nationally as well as internationally. The President made his support for the project public, through the media, congratulating the members made up of the Public-Private Alliance Desde lo Local, for their hard work in processing the project for several years now, in addition to the successful implementation of the Corridor. In the same manner, the President was able to corroborate that the project is in the phase of organizing the legal documentation of the already verified properties, which will conclude in the second quarter of this year, and in this way, accredit the purchase of the portions of land.
Among the declarations offered by the President in a press conference, he highlighted the importance of the contributions of the project and the participation of the communities through the Nine Nine Municipal Associations , stressing that the progress of this is the result of the consensus of the Public-Private Alliance From the Local, which allowed uniting the interests of 224 associated communities with the private initiative sector for the development of a “Country Project”. To close, the President reiterated that the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala is one of the most ambitious projects that the country has, because it takes advantage of the geo-strategic position of Guatemala, since it is in the heart of the American continent. Placing Guatemala as the link of the commercial world, that consolidates the commitment of promoting local development. 


Trust: According to the Code of Commerce of Guatemala, it is a contract through which a person called the Trustor transfers their goods and rights in order to fulfill certain objectives, whether they are for administration, guarantee or investment to a Trustee (Financial Institution).




In order to familiarize everyone with the technical data on the use of land, the industrial infrastructure and the presence of the draft proposal of the Inter-Oceanic Corridor of Guatemala in the municipalities associated to the project, we present detailed information in the following graphs:



The Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, from the beginning, has respected the national legal framework, therefore, aware of the environmental impact that the infrastructure of the Corridor will generate along its length, currently, Environmental Impact Studies are being developed that will allow the planning and execution of the MITIGATION AND COMPENSATION programs, according to a sustainable, environmental model, based on the laws and international conventions. It is planned that these will also be implemented as a whole with the 46 municipalities that make up the Nine Municipal Associations,  associated to the project.




Presentation of the Alternative Development Model of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, Río Hondo, Zacapa
April 5, 2013

Table of participating speakers in the event


 Testimony from the representative of the municipality of Jocotán, Chiquimula.



Ratification of the commitment of the mayors to reach the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG), contained in the Social Agreement subscribed by the Nine Commonwealths, Poder para Todos and ODEPAL Group

Visit by President Otto Pérez Molina to the Data Verification and Data Processing Center of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala, Río Hondo, Zacapa
 April 24, 2013


Visit by President Otto Pérez Molina to the Data Processing Room of the Corredor Interoceánico de Guatemala

Press Conference, Rio Hondo, Zacapa



( By: ODEPAL INTERNACIONAL , 07/06/2013 )

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