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Progress in preliminary work for the Interoceanic Corridor

Progress in preliminary work for the Interoceanic Corridor

The identification and registry of 3 thousand 533 properties where the Interoceanic Corridor runs, are the progress of the megaproject announced this Wednesday by President Otto Pérez Molina in Teculután, Zacapa. Two days from the first anniversary of the presentation of the project, the directors said that the land that will be used for the railroads and highways, as transit points, would add up to approximately 21639 hectares.

In a press conference, Pérez Molina highlighted the results obtained by private and public initiative; in addition, he said that the next step is the purchase of the right of way, with an investment of $370 million (Q 1,886 million). “The efforts made by private initiative must be highlighted, and as the Government we support this, it will be an important investment for the region", declared the head of state.
He also estimated that the purchase of the properties means an investment and direct support to at least 30 thousand families, foreseeing the creation of similar amounts of employment. He also explained that the verification process of the selected places and the mapping took at least ten years; in about 20 days, it is expected that the documents will be taken to the Property Registry to be legalized in favor of the project, as well as for the payment of the taxes for each.
The Interoceanic Corridor will be a joint highway, railroad, bridges and transportation infrastructure to shorten time and the costs for goods exchanges between the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans, in addition to being an alternative for the Panama Canal. This project will be made up of 9 local authority associations, 46 municipalities from the eastern part of the country; it will be 372 kilometers long and have an oil pipeline, among other transfer systems for products; including the creation of two new ports. (By: Secretariat for Social Communication of the Presidency, 04/24/2013 ) ( By: Secretaría de Comunicación Social de la Presidencia , 24/04/2013 )

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