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Charla Comercial USSAPEC
En el Salón Copán de 10 a 11 de la mañana se llevará a cabo la presentación que la conducirá el Embajador Allen F. Johnson
Ambassador Allen F. Johnson

Ambassador Allen F. Johnson, an Eastern Iowa native, serves as Chief Agriculture Negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to his current position, Johnson led the National Oilseed Processors Association and the Iowa Soybean Association, and he served as Senator Charles Grassley’s agriculture, environment and trade legislative assistant. He has been active in various agricultural trade activities, including as a member of the Agriculture Trade Advisory Committee (ATAC), co-chair of the Seattle Round Agriculture Committee, now known as Agricultural Trade, and member of the Agriculture Coalition for U.S.-China Trade.

In his current position, Ambassador Johnson’s responsibilities include developing U.S. food and agricultural trade policy, conducting trade negotiations on agricultural products, and enforcing trade agreements related to U.S. food and agricultural products.

Ambassador Johnson grew up in Iowa working on soybean, corn, cattle, hog, and chicken farms. He earned his M.B.A. from Stanford University and M.A. from Stanford’s Food Research Institute. He received his B.S. in Business Management from George Mason University. 

Alimentaría Guatemala es un Evento organizado por las siguientes instituciones: Cámara de Industria, Gremial de Restaurantes, Instituto Guatemalteco de turismo (INGUAT) Instituto de capacitación y Productividad (INTECAP) Asociación Nacional del Café (ANACAFE) Club Rotario Guatemala Este. Universidad Rafael Landivar (URL) y la organizadora de eventos Corpoeventos. Visitar:  

Para Mayor información contactar a:
Adela Cajbón
Tel. (502) 2367-5053 55 y 56
Cel. (502) 5207-2416

( Por: CorpoEventos , 04/09/2008 )

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